Le Dicheall Thig Eòlas - Knowledge comes from Diligence

Attendance Matters: Attend today to achieve tomorrow

Good attendance means being in school at least 95% of the time.


That’s at least 180 out of 190 days in the school year

There is a great deal of research showing how a child having low attendance affects children’s achievement. This in turn impacts their options in life.

Children who are unwell will find learning difficult but those who take time out for other reasons are missing out on valuable education – If your child’s attendance is below 90% it will be affecting their learning

If you are aware that your child’s attendance is low, please contact school to make an appointment where we can support you. You will also be contacted by school if your child’s attendance is below 90%, under current legislation this is classed as persistent absence.

Obviously, we don’t want poorly children coming to school, however, we would encourage students to return to school as soon as they are able following a period of illness

You are encouraged to maintain high levels of attendance by:

  • Making sure you and your child understand the importance of school attendance and punctuality
  • Getting involved and showing interested in your child’s school work and activities
  • Talk to school if your child has any issues which could affect attendance levels
  • Making non-emergency appointments after school, weekends or during the school holidays
  • Not taking Holidays during school term-time