Le Dicheall Thig Eòlas - Knowledge comes from Diligence

Modern Languages

Our Staff

Mrs. Janet-Ann Macuaig (French)

Mrs. Kirstin McLellan (French, Italian)

23/24 Courses

French – Nat 4, Nat 5, Higher
Italian – Nat 4, Nat 5

Course Content

Why study 
  • Around one fifth to a quarter of jobs required an advanced level of foreign language skills
  • Many of the jobs performed by higher education graduates require foreign language proficiency, whereas fewer medium-level and low-skilled positions had such requirements
  • Employers tend to demand a higher level of oral than written skills in languages
  • One third of employers have difficulties filling positions as a result of applicants with insufficient foreign language competences
  • Foreign language skills provided competitive advantage both for businesses and job seekers—if they form part of a broader set of useful skills.

Where can my parents find out more?

Your school will give your parents an Options or Choices information booklet, which has detailed information on the curriculum and the individual subjects or courses you can study. It will also invite them along to a Parents’ Information Evening.

Nationals in a Nutshell – Modern Languages (National 4)

Nationals in a Nutshell – Modern Languages (National 5)

Nationals in a Nutshell – Modern Languages (Higher)


N4 : One hour of study per week and finishing classwork 

N5 : Two hours of study per week and finishing classwork 

Higher : Three hours of pre-operational study per week 

What can I go on to next?

Which jobs are related to this subject?

Planit Plus – Languages Careers

Career Pathways

To see what career areas this subject could lead to and the routes to get there, download and view these career pathways:

Study Materials By Subject

Levels of Study