Le Dicheall Thig Eòlas - Knowledge comes from Diligence

What Is Wider Achievement?

What is achievement?

Many young people get formal qualifications at Islay High school. However, learning also takes place outside the classroom, at home and in the wider community.
Achievement covers learning in other areas of the life of the school, and in the variety of activities in which children and young people are involved, for example:

·         Hobbies and interests, such as participating in a sport or youth work

·         Sports or STEM Ambassadors

·         Volunteering, caring for a relative

·         Activities they undertake in the life of the school, such as Eco Schools, Film G or organising one of the school dances

·         Recognised awards or programmes, such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award or John Muir Award

Why is achievement important?

Through these activities, they develop important skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work that can be of real value to them as they grow up.

“We need to recognise the full range of achievements and help our children and young people understand the skills they have. It is important that they are able to demonstrate and describe these skills to others, and build on these skills. It is important that you encourage your child to let their school know about their achievements beyond the classroom”. (Education Scotland)

Why is recognising wider achievement important?

At Islay High school, we aim to promote how valuable achievements are and how important it is for young people to have the opportunity to take part in activities. It is important to recognise and support children and young people’s achievements, as it can help to develop their confidence and motivation for learning. It can also help them to reflect on their learning and plan appropriate next steps. Furthermore, we believe that celebrating young people’s success helps to develop important skills for learning, life and work, and increases a sense of positivity and well-being.

Keeping a record of personal achievements, and what a young person has been involved in, will help to strengthen the personal/supporting statements that a child writes when they come to apply for training, college, university or jobs.

How can I support it?

Firstly, you might want to encourage your child to tell teachers about their achievements and activities. You may also wish to discuss the importance of their achievements and help them to identify the wider skills they have learned. Anyone in the wider community is encouraged to inform the school of a child’s achievement(s).

This can be done by emailing the school office with the name and class of the pupil and details of their achievement including date achieved at enquiries@islay.argyll-bute.sch.uk or by completing the form here.

We also recognise achievement through the school website, , school bulletin, inter-house events, display boards, social media, the Ileach, trophies and awards ceremonies.